This may worsen the performance of clean checkouts. When this option is used with the server-side checkout, the internal TeamCity source caching on the server side is disabled. Only mapping rules from the configured client workspace are used. The workspace must be already created by a Perforce client application (like P4V or P4Win).

The Client option allows specifying the client workspace name directly. The " Enable feature branches support" option allows you to specify branch streams to be monitored for changes, in addition to the default one. Case-insensitivity for Perforce-based build configurations can be enabled on the Version Control Settings page by adding the following comment in the Edit Checkout Rules form: #teamcity ignore-case. Note that Perforce support in TeamCity treats checkout rules as case-sensitive. When task streams are used for feature branches, TeamCity may miss some changes in task streams until a modifying commit is made, which means that merge commits from the parent stream are not detected until a real commit to the task stream is made (see ticket TW-44765). Exclude checkout rules, multiple include rules, or rules like aaa=>bbb are supported only when the " Create non-stream workspace" option is enabled (see below). When streams are used with the agent-side checkout mode, simple checkout rules like. To use the StreamAtChange option, you need to define Label/changelist to sync. Supports a deep structure specification, that is paths like //DEPOTNAME/1/2/n. TeamCity will use this stream to prepare the stream-based workspace and adjust the client mapping to it. This option is enabled by default and not displayed.Ĭhoose the Stream option to use an existing Perforce stream. The ticket file should be present on the TeamCity server machine and on all build agents where TeamCity runs Perforce builds for this VCS root.Ĭheck this option to enable ticket-based authentication. If the ticket is not present in this file but required for authentication with Perforce, the failure will occur. If you leave the field empty, TeamCity will rely on an existing P4 ticket of the current user ( p4ticket.txt). Use it as the ticket in the p4 login command, if password-based authentication is disabled on the Perforce server. Set it as the P4PASSWD environment variable for executing Perforce commands, or
#Helix server perforce password
Optionally, specify the password or ticket. See Post-installation configuration.Define the Perforce server address as host:port.įor specific environments, the P4Host environment variable can be set in the Workspace options below, for any type of checkout.Ĭhoose the connection mode.
#Helix server perforce download
#Helix server perforce install